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Modern Promotional Tech Products

Promotional tech products are a great way for businesses to promote their brand and reach a wider audience. With a plethora of promotional products out there for companies to choose from to assist with their marketing goals, it can be a bit overwhelming deciphering what to choose. For most businesses, a starting point will be […]

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Helpful tips for reducing plastic waste

There are a number of useful plastic resources within the world, and we as a population have become dependent on it through many aspects of daily life. However, despite its many uses, it takes approximately 1000 years to decompose – causing significant pollution to our world. The sheer amount of plastic pollution in landfills, rivers […]

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What type of lanyard is right for my business?

Lanyards are commonly seen in places which require identification for security purposes, such as offices and school settings. They can also be found at trade shows, conferences and festivals, displaying names, logos and slogans from organisers of the event. With the increase in popularity and use, there are many different types of lanyards available. Leaving […]

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