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Soft Enamelled Pin Badges

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Soft Enamel Pin Badges are a must-have promotional tool for any business or organisation these badges are perfect for offices, hospitals, and schools.

With raised metal edges that give a textured finish, you can choose from 4 size options to suit your needs. Customise your pin badge with up to 4 infill colours with a butterfly clutch included as standard.

Be sure to explore our Pin badge range to find the perfect pin badge for you!

Material: Nickel Finish
Size: 20, 25 30 or 35
Unit Weight: Dependent on Size.
Thickness: 1.2
Shape: Custom
Print: Soft Enamelled Finish with up to 4 colour infill
Optional Extras: Magnetic Backing, Keychain Attachment, 2 Butterfly Clutches or Brooch Fitting.
Backer Card: 300mm 40mm 60mm
All prices subject to sight of artwork
Packing: Individually Bagged and then Bulk Packed
Lead Time: For accurate lead times please check the lead times on the pricing grid as it varies per quantity.
Prices Include FREE Set Up and FREE Delivery (T & C's Apply)
Product Code:
Packs per carton:
Print Width:
Dependant on Sizemm
Print Height:
Dependant on Sizemm
Product Materials