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Your Account FAQs:

  1.       How do I apply for an online account?

To create an account, please click on “Create an Account” located in the top right corner of the page. Fill in all the required details, and your information will be sent for approval as we are a Trade Only supplier.

Once your account is approved, you will have access to login and view all pricing. You will also be able to place orders and make payments online.


  1.     Why Can’t I login?

If you are experiencing difficulty logging into your account, please ensure that there are no spaces or extra characters in your password. Our system is sensitive to characters, so any additional spaces in your password or email will prevent you from logging in. If you have verified this and are still unable to access your account, you can click on the “forgotten password” link to receive an email with instructions on how to set a new password.


  1.     I have forgotten my password, what do I do?

You can click on the “forgotten password” link to receive an email with instructions on how to set a new password.


  1.     How do I amend my details?

To update your account details, simply click on your profile located in the top right corner. This will redirect you to your account page where you can easily make any necessary amendments.